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Camps & Clinics

KMGBC Summer Basketball Opportunities 2024

Great basketball players are made in the off-season.  We highly encourage our club players to continue to work on skills and drills, game speed shooting and free throws throughout the summer.  The following opportunities are available and are all offered conveniently at KMHS and Wales over the summer.


Varsity Coach Stranc’s LaserWay Camp June 10-13th

  • 3rd - 5th Grade 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm - $75

  • 6th - 8th Grade 10:00 am - 12:00 pm - $75


Sign-up Link:



KMGBC State Champ Camp 


State Champ Camp (formerly known as the Laser Academy) is for players that want to bring their game to the next level and learn what it takes to become a State Champ. This will be an advanced level camp for grades 3 through 8 so previous experience with competitive basketball is strongly recommended.  Prizeville is back!  Additionally, there will be the ever popular daily freezie pops awarded for the completion skill challenges. All campers get a free T-shirt (see logo below). Sign-up Link:

3rd - 8th Grade (2023-2024 Academic Year) 

KMHS Middle/East Gym 3-5 PM

Week 1  June 17-20 ($75)

7th-8th Grade – Varsity Head Coach Adam Stranc will be drilling and preparing the girls for HS basketball.  Eric and Bailee Kittel will be assisting.

5th-6th Grade – KMGBC coaches Scott Voigt and Sarah Wiseman will be working with this age group.

3rd-4th Grade – KMGBC coaches Frank and Leah Cuda and Marty Vosburg will be working with this age group.

Week 2  June 24-27 ($75)

This summer we are excited to announce that Luke Meier is the primary coach this week along with our KMGBC coaches assisting. Luke is a professional basketball coach with over a decade of player development expertise through RealWork Basketball (@ and Thrive3 (  He trains in advanced footwork and basket finishes and has trained players all the way to the NBA level. Here is a link to his Bio.

K - 2nd Grade (2023-2024 Academic Year)

Wales Elementary 1-2 PM

Week 1 June 17-20 ($50)

Week 2 June 24-27 ($50)

This will be coached by Justin Bestor with help from HS and MS players. Girls will be learning and practicing all the basic basketball skills with lots of time for games and prizes with the emphasis on FUN. This camp is highly recommended for any girls interested in playing in the KM Girls Basketball Club which starts in 3rd grade.




Advanced Basketball Skills Class through KMSD Summer Academy


*Registration for Summer Academy is on Infinite Campus

B1070A-2 - Advanced Basketball 3-5

This advanced basketball course will focus on offensive/defensive fundamentals with plenty of competitions. KM Coaching staff and Varsity players will instruct students in station work and one-on-one instruction. Prior basketball experience is required. This course will run all six weeks of Summer Academy. Please sign up based on your current grade level. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Scott Voigt or Mr. Brad Bestor.



Course Fee: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO FEE


C1030A-3 - Advanced Basketball 6-8 

This advanced basketball course will focus on offensive/defensive fundamentals with plenty of competitions. KM Coaching staff and Varsity players will instruct students in station work and one-on-one instruction. Prior basketball experience is required. This course will run all six weeks of Summer Academy. Please sign up based on your current grade level. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Scott Voigt or Mr. Brad Bestor.




Course Fee: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO FEE